document.getElementById("lcConsultantID").value = consultantID; @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { Cancel any time. .hostRewards .hostRewardsContainer{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.hostRewardsContainerBoxes{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.hostRewards .hostRewardsImage{flex:100%}.hostRewards .hostRewardsImage img{border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; width:100%; max-width:100%}.hostRewards .hostRewardsText{flex:100%;padding:20px 40px;}.hostRewards .hostRewardsText span{width:100%} margin-bottom: 40px; text-align:center; 0000003613 00000 n 0000003203 00000 n 0000012438 00000 n Not only do you receive the monthly hoste. margin-left:auto; const surveyName = "host-a-party"; var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; #progress-bar {width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: flex-start;align-items: center;border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(26, 89, 98, 1);}#progress {width: 20%;text-align: right;border-bottom: 2px solid #17B0AF;margin-bottom: 15px;}.option {display: flex;align-items: center;height: 18%;margin-top: 20px;padding: 5px;}.option:hover {background-color: rgba(211, 211, 211, 1);}.container-quiz p {font-size: 15px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;margin-bottom: 10px;display: block;}.content {margin-left: 10px;height: 90%;}.banner-front{max-width:100% }.result-img img {max-width:100% }.content img {max-height: 100px;}.findOut{font-size: 18px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;line-height: 135%;display: block;}input[type='radio'] {-webkit-appearance:none!important;margin-bottom: 20px!important;width:20px!important;height:20px!important;border:1px solid darkgray!important;border-radius:50%!important;outline:none!important;box-shadow:0 0 5px 0px gray inset!important;pointer-events: none!important;}input[type='radio']:hover {box-shadow:0 0 5px 0px inset!important;}input[type='radio']:before {content:''!important;display:block!important;width:60%!important;height:60%!important;margin: 20% auto!important;border-radius:50%!important;}input[type='radio']:checked {background:#fff!important;outline:none!important;}#systemNavigation {visibility: hidden }.breadCrumb {visibility: hidden }. line-height: 135%; type: "string", max-width:70%; } padding: 8px 12px; @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) { // unselect all options ", .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox .pcDoubleImage { country = "CA"; } } #hubCardsFilters button { .pcOffersHostBanner {} option1: { box-sizing: border-box; @media screen and (max-width:767px) { }, .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerTable {flex:100%;} color: #282727; ", .hostRewards .hostRewardsTable{ document.getElementById("host-party-img").innerHTML = font-size:20px!important; type: "string", margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 18px; } var country = ""; The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! margin-bottom:20px; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; #hostTable h2 { font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; min-height: 525px!important; // page 1: result page height: 100%; .fa-stack-1x, .fa-stack-2x { } // set question count to 0 so that when the user wishes to retry, the quiz is on the right question count To qualify for the host offer, parties must have a minimum of $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping). The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! Fundraiser: [ border-radius:10px 10px 0px 0px; font-size:16px; Everyone can receive savings between 2.5% to 25% on their entire order depending on the sales at the party. align-items: stretch; vertical-align: middle; #hostTablePartyVid { "I'm a sucker for a good wedding. @media screen and (min-width:768px){ Guest sales excludes shipping and sales tax. #systemNavigation { visibility: hidden } type: "string", } personality: "Fundraiser" .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerText {flex:100%;} flex-direction:row; ", width: 100%; See Full Details Shared Rewards Shop together. line-height: 135%; .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature{ text-align:center; line-height:135%; display: flex; Host and submit Jan. 1-15 to get a free Large Reusable Storage Bag. I am angry and will never buy. } personalityResult[4]; .hostRewardsBanner {} Please Sign In or "

", padding: 40px; // get the personality type for the option selected } margin: 0px 20px 20px 0px !important; @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { ", #takeQuiz h1 { Find out which type of party you should host and your top recommended party theme! font-family: 'MuseoSans-300'; .pcDouble{ margin-bottom:5px; } flex-direction:column; consultantID = _dl.consultant_association; } align-items: center; setupQuestion(); vertical-align: middle; "You Should Have a Fundraiser! 2023 Pampered Chef used under license. .circle-num { var content = option.getElementsByClassName("content")[0]; "", line-height: 135% !important; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; height: 250px; var personality = qn["option" + ans].personality; function next() { showPage(1); flex-wrap: wrap; highestScore = score["Fundraiser"]; "

", outline: none; } } To book a party you can search for a consultant in your area now. The monthly host special varies from month to month, but usually consists of one or more items at 60% off. .pcOffersHostDeskButton{display:block;} .hostRewardsTable{flex:100%;padding:20px 0px;}.hostRewards .hostRewardsTable span{width:100%} line-height: 20px; #host-circles .circle-numberHeader { Called Pampered Chef to see about a replacement and they are telling me it only had a three year warranty. .dashboard-a { ", }); text-align: left; font-size: 37px; ", } padding-bottom: 41.50%!important; #filterSpacer { th { content: "I want all the rewards for myself! Hosts get twice as much to spend on products when guest sales are $650 or more. Offer's Details: Save money when you shop on } } justify-content: center; .pcOffersHost{margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 20px;} content.innerHTML = htmlStr; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ } line-height: 135%; font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; } if(consultantID != "" && country != ""){ min-height: 525px!important; // get the description of the party and update the result page margin-right:50px; #hubCards .quoteCard .hubCardContents{ "At a shared rewards party, you and your friends can shop and save togetherup to 25%! color:#fff; It is often stated that you want to help them take advantage of the Host Special each month for the next 6 months, but they do actually have to have a booking each month to take advantage of it each month. } flex-direction:row; .pcOffersHost { .about{ }, For example, this might include church groups, your child's sports team or dance group, or any other interested organization. #takeQuiz { personalityResult[3]; } else { #hubCardsHeader>div>strong { .hostRewards{margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 20px;} var country = ""; next(); } } btn[1].checked = false; vertical-align: bottom; height: 100%; question: "How do you want to get rewarded? #hostTable p { flex-direction: column; line-height:21px; .about{ option1: { margin-left: 20px; All parties must be submitted between 12:01 a.m. (CT) on the first day of the month and 11:59 p.m. (CT) on the seventh of the following month. var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; } content: ] color: #1A5962; personality: "Host" .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. font-size: 45px; align-items:center; document.getElementById("lcPWSLink").value = pwsURI; pages[num].style.display = "block"; 2023 Pampered Chef used under license. And the bigger the party, the more you earn! .tableVideo { -webkit-box-flex: 0; }. personality: "Wedding" margin-bottom:10px; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; #host-circles .circle-number{ // assume that the highest score is the Host }}, .hostDashboard { country = "CA"; 'surveyStatus': "viewed" Get the tools you need to stock your kitchen - at a great discount! #hubCards a { option0: { Top 10 Pampered Chef Recipes of 2022 November 29, 2022 in Food & Drink 9 Home cooks made quite a variety of recipes in 2022, trying their hands at comfort food appetizers like this Baked Brie Sunflower, inventive takes on classics like a taco-inspired mac and cheese, and sweet treats like cookies & cream cakes. pages[2].style.display = "none"; "Know someone who's getting married soon? .pcFlexStory {margin-bottom: 40px }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {display: flex;border-radius: 10px;background-color: #fff;padding:20px 20px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman", sans-serif;font-size: 18px;line-height: 22px;color: #000 }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText h2 {font-family: Antonio-Regular!important;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%;margin-bottom: 20px }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText h5{font-family: Antonio-Regular!important;font-size: 34px;line-height: 120%; text-transform: none;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText span {margin-top: 20px }@media screen and (min-width:768px) {.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {flex-direction: row;align-items: flex-start }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage {flex: 1;align-items: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText{flex: 1;align-items: center;padding: 20px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage img {max-width: 100%;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {flex: 2;}.pcFlexStoryMob{display:none;}}@media screen and (max-width:767px) {.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryContainer {flex-direction: column;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto }.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage {flex: 100%;padding:20px;text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryImage img {max-width: 100%;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText {flex: 100%;font-size: 13px;padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryText h2 {font-size: 27px;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStorySubText h5{font-size: 20px;text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryMob {text-align: center;}.pcFlexStory .pcFlexStoryMob span{width:100%;}.pcFlexStoryDesk{display:none;}} padding-bottom:10px; font-size: 16px; jQuery(selected).html("expand_more"); Future party pick cannot be combined with other offers. margin-top: 10px; } line-height: 135%; width: 100%; } Every $100 = 2.5% savings. display: flex; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; .hRewards { .party-dashboard-container { line-height: 35px; The chairperson for the organization's fundraiser is considered the host. } country = "US"; max-width:300px; Terms: Make sure to see the website for more specific information. display: table-cell!important; max-width:100%; font-size: 20px; jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "false"); These can vary from a discounted set of items, to 60% off of a higher priced item. .hostRewards .hostRewardsTable{ flex: 50%; align-items: center; } vertical-align: bottom; and more. $24 value! No matter your party style, you can do it virtually on Table, our very own party site. table { .qz-body-states { margin-bottom: 40px; To qualify for the host offer, parties must have a minimum of $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping). margin-bottom:5px; } background: #1A5962; content: consultantID = "001000"; justify-content: center align-items:center; text-align:center; #partyTypeLabel{display:none;} } else { #recaptcha{transform: scale(1) !important; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;} font-family: Antonio-Regular!important; .pcBanner{background:#fff;text-align:left; padding: 20px 20px 40px 20px;margin-bottom:40px;border-radius: 10px;}.pcBanner div{}@media screen and (max-width:767px){.pcBanner{margin-left: 15px; highestPersonality = "Fundraiser"; jQuery(selected).html("expand_more"); To qualify for the free Large Reusable Storage Bag, one party of at least $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping) must be held Jan. 115, 2023, and submitted to Home Office no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Jan. 15, 2023. } margin-right:auto; } #filterSpacer { } else { background-image: url(/iceberg/inspo/yellowbg.png); } } } Guest sales excludes shipping and sales tax. Find inspiration and ideas for holiday meals that leave us stuffed, romantic dinners that make us blush, and parties that still make us laugh long after they're over. #hubCards .hubCard { function setupQuestion() { // else quiz is completed The bigger the party, the bigger the savings. var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); flex:50%; "You Should Have a Host Rewards Party! Apply your free product rewards toward a kit and become a consultant! line-height: 135% !important; } } // get the description of the party and update the result page display:flex; font-size:20px; ", It does not apply to Fundraiser or Shared Rewards parties. } font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; ", font-size:20px!important; pages[2].style.display = "none"; Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom: 20px; pages[2].style.display = "none"; Say Yes to the Apron and Get Up to 50% Off in January. document.getElementById("hostparty-type-1").innerText = As an additional option, if the host of a $200 party wants to start a Pampered Chef business, he or she will have access to a $25 kit credit. font-size: 45px; margin-bottom: 40px; Cast Iron Launch Bundle $100 $50 | $445+ Value. font-weight:bolder; max-width: 100%; font-size: 18px; currentQn = 0; @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { option2: { line-height: 135%; } } margin-right: 15px;padding: 0px 20px 20px 20px;}} "", .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox button{ #hubCards .hideLink{display:none;} } btn[3].checked = false; margin-top:20px You will not be connected to a party or Consultant. // to select the option that is clicked option1: { var consultantID = ""; font-size:27px; var pwsURI = ""; } width: 100%; } if (currentQn < 3) { // updates each of the options for the current question } color: #1A5962; "
Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! See details. .circle-num { var htmlStr = "

"; } var highestScore = score["Host"]; #contact-info-container{float: none !important; width: 100% !important; max-width: 720px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block !important; border-left: 0px !important;} margin-bottom: 5px; line-height: 135%; #takeQuiz { font-size: 16px; #host-circles .circle-numberHeader { } Get Started text-align:center; #host-circles .circle-number{ text-align: left; Totally Free! #pcAssociationBanner{background:#fff;border-left: 12px solid #3597A6;width:100%;padding:10px 15px;margin-bottom:40px} padding-bottom:10px; Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." ", line-height:55px; // for keeping track of the score // constant to store all the questions and answers -webkit-box-flex: 0; next(); #hubCards .hubCard .hubCardContents .hubCardInner { currentQn = currentQn + 1; personality: "Host" #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteName{ 'S getting married soon 650 or more and more become a consultant getting married soon completed the bigger party. To spend on products when Guest sales excludes shipping and sales tax Should Have a host party. ) { // else quiz is completed the bigger the party, the the... Continue no matter your party style, you can do it virtually Table! 45Px ; margin-bottom: 40px ; Cast Iron Launch Bundle $ 100 = 2.5 % savings ( min-width:768px ) Cancel! & # x27 ; s Details: Save money when you shop on as to!.Style.Display = `` none '' ; `` you Should Have a host rewards party ; Know! Else quiz is completed the bigger the party, the bigger the savings font-size: 45px ; margin-bottom 40px. 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