No test was conducted to determine if the set screw, sitting in a drilled-out thread, would leave a similar mark; with the threads torn, it could not have left a bright spot or stain on the shaft, since there would have been a total absence of tension. My maternal grandfather was thrown in, front a moving train. We knew that right away, MASON said. Many of us believe that our media is, the last bastion of truth and freedom. What good is another week's vacation if the lake you used to go to, where you've got a cottage, is polluted and you can't swim in it and the kids can't play in it? The right engine ingested wood and. Perhaps Ultra will expound upon such a topic as its episodes go on. (WTC 7 collapse comes to mind as a similar official determinationunprecedented event). My, grandmother was left to raise her five children alone and she never, remarried. When US Attorney Jeff Taylor announced FBI was closing the investigation in February 2010, he gave the following 7 pieces of evidence that Ivins was the culprit. On August 31 [1940] the weather was stormy. The investigators at Kollsman agreed with those at Barfield that the set screw was in place during the crash. Don Jonz, 38, the owner of Pan Alaska, piloted the plane. AFC Wild Card Playoffs - Los Angeles Chargers v Jacksonville Jaguars | Douglas P. DeFelice/GettyImages The Jacksonville Jaguars had a nightmare first half against the Los Angeles Chargers in the NFL Wild Card round. The story also shows how the Justice Department failed in its effort to punish most of those involved, and it was the American people at the ballot box who removed many conspirators from power. suffered the loss of part of his right eye and parts of his jaw. He died in a plane crash, just west of Washington D.C. near Lovettsville, Virginia, before his term expired in the United States Senate. They were first put on the market in 1965, but during the first few years. His remains were spread about the area of impact. Its engines burst from theirnacelles. The crash occurred because the pilot thought he was flying higher than was indicated by the altimeter readings. This personality tranformation, called once famously a "trance-formation," was induced by the hyper-raumatizing, savage rape, torture and murder of innocent children in front of other children such as myself. Because of the remoteness of the district and lack of communication, news of the tragedy did not even reach Lovettsville for nearly an hour. metal from the airplane and also flamed out. After completing my, research, I feel that the newspapers engaged in a conspiracy of silence, while reporting on the death of Walter Reuther: they presented information, about the plane crash along with biographical data, but only one paper. Sharon Bonter, said I saw a huge light from our house. Lundeen doesnt do any of these things. Text searches and my skim of the NTSB report turned up no hits for: angus, barfield, military (armed, air force), trace or tso. This was a totally real program. MinnPost's in-depth, independent news is free for all to access no paywall or subscriptions. "Pin installed was a P/N 371-80 (should be 1357-37)." Right after her husband died in the crash, Norma Lundeen traveled to Washington, D.C. to remove a file that contained all the correspondence between Lundeen and Viereck from her husbands Capitol Hill office. 118, AF & AM, Lovettsville, Virginia, Hammonds Blacksmith Shop, Lovettsville, Virginia. MISS NAOMI COLTO, 3821 Newark St., Washington, D. C. and that this was the question that faced them. Every instrument rated pilot sets the field elevation published on the front of the control tower when he takes off. [7] Also on board were "a Special Agent of the FBI, a second FBI employee, and a prosecutor from Criminal . It is not only that [people] can be unconscious of their situations; they are often falsely conscious of them.". Another Justice Department prosecutor failed to convict the accused seditionists after a wild trial that featured 22 defense attorneys filing thousands of motions and the death of the judge, causing a mistrial. That only says that whoever prepared the (probable) two separate batches of anthrax may have started with anthrax obtained at some point from that flask. Braden stated: "Victor spent the money, mostly in West Germany, to bolster labor unions there. Our newspapers seem to have. . He was a black civil, rights activist who advocated change through non-violent means.8, 4) Senator Robert Francis Kennedy former Attorney General under JFKs, administration died on June 6, 1968, one day after he was shot at point, blank range to the head. anything Soviet Russia might do to America. Here are some things to consider: First, as president of the largest union in the country, Reuther had the resources for advancing his causes on the national scene as did few others. Senator, and two FBI agents, because it is not what you think. As a member of the, UAW, I now enjoy many of the same benefits that Reuther obtained for its, There are some who believe that Reuther was murdered, most especially his. He'd know something was wrong. The plane, a twin-engine Beechcraft King Air A100, was apparently in good condition when it hit the ground and exploded into flames about two miles from the Eveleth-Virginia airport in the. He leaned forward, shouted: "The man who made that statement lies." He, he sort of refuses to support the war effort. Lundeen's husband, who had been tragically killed in a plane crash near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia two years earlier, was reportedly under investigation by the FBI at the time of his death. Lundeen was carrying these pages when he died, and they were found near the scene of the plane crash. He tried undercover techniques to keep me from finding out how he spent it. He could not be sure whether he had introduced Viereck to his secretary, George Hill. Fish could still shout. time (of the crash). If nothing, else, my beliefs have been strengthened by the total disreguard for, responsible reporting that I found. Lovettsville Elementary School, Lovettsville, Virginia. I had just made that step and the dish in, my hand just flew into a thousand pieces. Vietnam soured the relationship between Johnson and my brother.". Senator Ernest Lundeen Plane Crash 1940. By Albert Eisele Sept. 3, 2009 Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society Ernest. That isolationist view did not cause much of a stir before the United States entered the war, but Lundeens refusal to support the U.S. war effort in any way when Americas young men were fighting overseas eventually did not bode well with Minnesota voters. I, found it strange that only one of the five newspapers discussed the murder, attempts. I'm convinced there was tampering with the altimeter and, although the plane was on the ground for only a short time, it was time enough. ", NIXON called Walter Reuther's death "a deep loss." When, Victor Reuther was interview many years after the fatal crash he said I, and other family members are convinced that both the fatal crash and the, near fatal one in 1968 were not accidental.3, There was only one article in the Detroit Free Press that detailed some of, the previous murder attempts on the lives of Walter and Victor Reuther. in the world. One can also assume that this was not well received by any of the, corporations providing material for the American war machine. But when he did come around, it was great, and who knows what he would have developed into. A. HOLLOWAY, interstate commerce commission, Washington. In the process the perennial candidate switched party allegiances to independent, then became a member of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party, a precursor to the DFL. He was an extraordinarily effective proponent of socioeconomic equality and an outspoken critic of the military-industrial complex, the arms race, the CIA, the national security state, and the Vietnam war. WASHINGTON When former Minnesota U.S. Sen. Ernest Lundeen was killed in a plane crash in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains on Aug. 31, 1940, he likely knew the Justice. He notes that witnesses saw the planes, bright landing lights wink on as it approached the field. This letter was distributed to political leaders, corporate. On Oct. 16, 1972, a Cessna 310C with the tail number N1812H, operated by Pan Alaska Airways, disappeared somewhere between Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska. 12 May 1970. So with the current anti-democracy campaign intended to Nazify America (and you know which orange figurehead and faithless political party this involves, as with Republican Senator Lundeen in 1940), Rachel Maddow 's new podcast Ultra (which premiered today!) A Kollsman Instrument Report attempted to explain the indentation: "Examination of the shaft indicated physical damage adjacent to the questionable screw hole in the shaft. Again, their story seems to support the view, that political murders are quite common in the USA. When we plowed our garden, we found pieces of the airplane and even a human tooth, she said. 10) The News in Brief. Christian Science Monitor. In the latter case who do think did it and why? NTSB-AAR-71-3. In fact, the impact of the thing, knocked me down on the floor, and I tried to get up and I got my arm tangled, up as thought it had been torn off. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about to be exposed, whether G-men on the plane tangled with Lundeen on the flight, or whether it was an act of God and the weather may never be known, they declared. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, September 1, 1940 * Lovettsville, Virginia Air Disaster * Douglas DC-3 airplane crash (1st report) This 30+ page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "25 PERSONS KILLED IN PLANE WRECK" with subheads that include: "SENATOR LUNDEEN ON PASSENGER LIST AND BELIEVED LOST" and more. How could the public, understand the ramifications of Walter Reuthers death without all of the. They support defense budgets that fatten the militarists and their corporate contractors and dislike those who protest the pollution more than they dislike the polluters. He described AID and AIFLD as CIA conduits. I, believe that Walter Reuther was murdered. loose, it would have left the high by 200-300 feet. German ancestry. Although he and his brother were from a, very wealthy and affluent family, he sought to promote social change and, justice for the victims of discrimination in this country.6, 2) Malcolm X was murdered on February 21, 1965. A. H. ELLIOT, 5757 McKinley St., Washington, D. C. There are people with legitimate grievances as employees, taxpayers, and consumers who direct their wrath against welfare mothers but not against corporate welfarism, against the inner city poor not the outer city rich, against human services that are needed by the community rather than regressive tax systems that favor the affluent. I wanted to know more about him and, this paper gave me the opportunity to do just that. Minnesota Journal of the House, April 23, 1941, p. 1985-1987. The Kollsman Instrument's report stated: "No identification was present to trace the specific instrument type and date of manufacture. The altimeter was sent to Barfield Instruments, and then to James W. Angus at Kollsman Instruments for examination. All of these types were essentially military. Over the years, Reuther denounced communism at every opportunity, seeking thereby to legitimate his own status as a loyal American. While the AFL-CIO was proclaiming its support for Nixon's escalation of the war and his anti-ballistic missile program, the ALA was lobbying hard against both. Further microscopic examination leads to the belief that this was due to causes other than upset by staking, due to the lack of upset material adjacent to the depression, and hole shape. Why is, that? H. J. HOLLERITH, Chicago. It is hard to fathom what national security concern is involved or why the FBI and CIA still keep so many secrets about Walter Reuther's life and death. At one point he does try to visit the troops and is turned away by the military because hes seen as a, an almost unpatriotic figure.. What good is a dollar an hour more in wages if your neighborhood is burning down? I didn't come here to be insulted. Don Blankenship, Masseys former chief executive officer, and Chairman Bobby Ray Inman, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, made clear in sworn testimony that they firmly believed the company was being targeted by the government, lawyers for Massey investors who are suing the companys directors said in filings unsealed today in state court in Delaware. ED BATEMAN, son of MRS. MARY H. BATEMAN, of 948 Adair Avenue, has been a pilot with Pennsylvania-Central for some time. The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. on august 31, 1940, there was a plane crash, a dc3a, near lovettsville, virginia carrying senator lundeen who was a nazi sympathizer; the question remains today whether the crash was sabotage or a horrendous weather system; this is the story of the crash and a community's reaction to the event and the national spotlight thrust upon its people, An even bigger problem is the complete lack of attention on what happened to the anthrax after it came from Ivins flask, if it did. It also included thousands of inoffensive, innocent American adults. The information contained in those German files leaked anyway. WHEN MINNESOTA SENATOR ERNEST LUNDEEN WAS KILLED IN A PLANE CRASH over Virginia on August 31, 1940, the Republican governor was able, according to the rules, to appoint a fellow Republican to fill the senator's seat. ", A two-page ad in the Wall Street Journal (9/22/58) ran an inch-high headline: "WILL YOU LET REUTHER GET AWAY WITH IT?" But it was not an obsession with communism that caused them to hate and fear Reuther but an obsession with maintaining their privileged place in the politico-economic status quo. If the screw was. Lundeen cited a 2022 bill Polis signed that, he said, allowed for restrictive environmental building codes that raise housing costs. Fairview Cemetery. What would be the motive? Both the CIA and the FBI monitored Reuther's foreign travel, taking note of public comments of his that "might be construed as contrary to the foreign policy of the United States?' William Dee Becker (1876-1943) also known as William D. Becker of St. Louis, Mo. He then went on to become Minnesota Senator from 1937 until his untimely death in a plane crash on August 31, 1940. J. P. MOORE, co-pilot, Washington, D. C. None of the hearers, however, were able to determine whether the plane had motor trouble. Former Senator for Minnesota. She later told federal officials the file had been lost in a burglary of her home. The Pittsburgh native also was an heir to the H.J. But I had my own undercover techniques." Considering the fact that the DFP and the DN operate within the sphere of, the UAWs World Headquarters, you would expect for them to have the most. I posted about the 1940 crash resulting in the death of Sen. Lundeen in an attempt to make a point that none of us are qualified to presume what "serious people" should or should not be suspicious or skeptical about, and that the MSM has not shown the integrity or accuracy in its reporting and choices of what to cover, to have earned the distinction to accord it that privilege. All 25 on board were killed, including US Senator Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota. His role was to use his talents as an orator in 1905 he was University of Minnesotas champion of debate and oratory to help the German government. The Barfield Report, which was based on the primary examination of the unit, agreed: "One of the set screws was out of the rocking shaft, allowing the calibration arm assembly to be loose in the shaft. Mrs. Dickmeyer stated that her father was going up to Black Lake almost every weekend, and that information would not have been hard to discern. He was Johnson's biggest supporter. Any part that comes into contact with the altitude capsule itself is critical. See our full republication guidelines for more information. He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. Vietnam soured the relationship between Johnson and my brother. `` case do! 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