Mass mind control? Second Place Winner! And tomorrow, if I am not imprisoned, our company will honour our ancestors, and our nation, by unveiling our sausage filled ravioli, sausoli, patent pending. I hope so. I realized that I was about to be late for work. And its very cold in space-brrrr! You both should get back to school and when you guys have left home, I will too. I hope this letter (with pictures included) reaches you in good time, and that you may find joy and comfort within. I can only see them, my children. I talk too loud. You thought the cheating would stop after I went to college? By: Molly McKenna., Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, Age 17 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: A student panics while taking a test. No ones ever told me Im ugly. And its weird, because its not like it hurts to say that. My mom told me it was the most beautiful speech shes ever heard. But now everybody knows about me because of Aladdin. Wait, where are you going? Now, over there is my bed. Meantime, Hades, my new husband, persuaded me to eat six pomegranate seeds. Its being drowned in a bathtub because Pedro was asked to give me a bath instead of playing soccer with his buddies down the street. I mean, they used to be in love. (Sits down, opens book and begins reading.) I tell her that I miss all the attention I used to get from people., the times when I didnt even think to worry what other people thought of me. I wonder what my future self will say to me one day. But oh. Ah-ha! It puts me in the mood, Not today! Video-How to Plan a Year of Drama Lessons. While you are out experiencing life, I lie in this hospital bed. at the back. It has vegetables and its good for me. (Pause.) Im not asking you to forget about Lila, because thats not possible. It was important, I remember. But my dad was an explorer, a conqueror. I cant speak for every girl, but I can speak for the ones who know what Im talking about. Smile, walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and left foot two steps andright foot two steps and turn and back (rolls her ankle and collapses in pain.) I just want to say to them, Look you little two-timing molded fruit cakes, I am NOT obsessed with celebrities! The truth is, I only in love with ONE! Both. I know I shouldnt doodle, and I know Im missing the lesson, but I just cant help it. Because, well, actually, no one cared enough to tell me Im ugly. Christopher Robin! Speaking of Wicked, I am playing Glinda in our school version of the Broadway musical this spring. I really want to go outside. Well figure it out later. I was going to make that loaf. There, feeling better? (pause) No, mom. I liked them at first until I looked through the lenses and realized they made my thighs look like swollen sausages, the kind they only sell in bulk at Costco. No, ellipsis, we will not be taking a vote! The man raised his gun and pointed it at us. I looked out the window and saw a man getting shot, blood ran down his neck as he fell. So, of course I said yes, and when he gave me his ring and his helmet hit me on the head. Thats where I took my first hit of heroin. Mr. Narrator: Well, the big one came out first, and the little one came out last, which was what Pooh wanted. Sorry man, but the truth hurts. Say, you have to do something about that speech impediment, sonny. It was the year my Aunt Clara went to visit her cousin. A blanket of obscurity. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. So, you go ahead and do what you gotta do. And besides, if you turn that monster into stone, youll be a hero! He told me that in elementary school all the kids poked at him for being short. Listening to my moms music especially. How does it NOT fall over? I kept it simple just saying "Happy Birthday. Rule #6 No crying allowed. I raised my hands instinctively in front of my face, and I prayed. It said Busch Gardens Pompeii. Guys, I know I knocked over a couple of buildings, but if you were my size, you would too. We would thank God for the food on our table, the roof over our heads and our wonderful family. So, we had to instruct the guests to pretend that he. Tigger: A party? He used to be in the grade above us, but I guess he needed to learn more, so hes in our class now. I dont. Genre: Dramatic. I know everything there is to know about The Lord of the Rings, but only because your words, not mine I went through a phase in middle school. They may be used for auditions, performed in educational settings, used in school and community theatre performances, and video-taped. Im 32. Besides, all my favorite artists were plagued with it too. But I was thinking more like drums. Heck, even the dreaded small talk, the awkward interactions no one wanted Right now, Id give anything to mess up one more embarrassing presentation, one last really bad attempt at asking my crush to prom. I screamed at him to stop and he looked at me with white hot rage. Alright, now youll want to take a step forward, then dart out like a majestic scorpion of the Sahara! Take all the time you need. Got yourself a headache? When I turned 18 and welcomed my womanhood, it all started to feel darker. I bought grapes at the store, and didnt pay attention to the fact that theyd been pumped full of special chemicals to grow big. All I really want today is to grab these chips, head to my room, and drown out the yelling from my parents room with the screams from Chainsaw Massacre #2, because believe it or not, that movie is slightly less terrifying than whats going on outside my bedroom door. The result, more time. I miss those days. It will be better if Im dead. Im running late. (Pulls flashcard out of her pocket and paces the room) Da da da da da. On Wednesday, the Broadway play To Kill a Mockingbird was performed at Madison Square Garden for 18,000 public school students. I'm so rumblee in my tumblee, That seems like a completely acceptable and not at all illegal thing to do! But who just asks that? She said if my reflection had pulled me in, maybe she could pull me out. Im not such a bad guy if you really get to know me. (Grabs a new piece of paper) Hey Jason, the house is quiet and boring without you here. I work hard to be utterly ordinary. Ovaries for Days! And you know what else really gets my vines in a twist? I am making this way harder than it has to be but I really cant fail, I just cant! Well, let me tell you. (holds up a book) This here is the GoodLife Life Guide. Third Place Winner! I am? Ive started wearing baggy clothes because I am seen as overweight. But I decided to call roadside assistance to get my car towed and have Haley come pick me up and not let it ruin the day. But Im sure youll find that we have a great environment here and we are all just the nicest people. Its unbearable. You just have to let your stick drop in a twitchy sort of way. Why am I here? Then, he said the next time that I do something like that, hell break up with me. She may or may not be missing one. (Smirks at audience, winking flirtatiously.) HOW? My name is Olivia Lester, Im the sole bookkeeper, and sole inhabitant, here at the library. [Eeyore] Name's on it and everything. Mainly because I have a life and responsibilities; so I would just count the calories in my head, before I ate. Also, she doesnt have any big dogs in the house, or any other risk factors that could result in injury. Dont you look at me like that, I do not want to have another shrimp incident. Can I speak to President Mumumba, please? It was one of those summer nights when rage-filled clouds obscured the sky and the night birds and the cicadas were silent. An older woman! I think when she pulled me in, she swapped with me out in the real world! Youll get your million dollars back in no time. Why do you do this to our family Lord? I dont talk at all. But I should have. After I leave here, Im going to that high bridge over the interstate freeway. I have nothing to say, like literally nothing, the fact that my brain is so empty right now astonishes me. By: Jordan Dittamo, Age 12, Virginia, USA Description: A mother wants her daughter to stop reading and help out around the house. My mom picked me up that night in the back lot of the drive in. I have been a straight-A student since I came out of the womb. Whoa there, this isnt about me this is about your horrendous drivers license photo. I took one deep breath and then pulled off the cloth. We listened to Gloria Gaynor the whole ride home as I cried. Most of the time. Rest in peace little Missy, my pretty kitty, Ill never forget you. I have three months to create a new me for college. Life's a bitch as everyone knows but don't just stand there. We could have a fresh start. I learned how to speak in a British accent for my audition and sang in one too! Music Of The Sun Lyrics, By: Kallie Carter, Age 17, Georgia, USA Description: A young woman tells a co-worker about her lifetime of cheating. Now this party is a hero party, because of what someone did. A monologue happens when you think to yourself something like, "I need to buy bread." But other times, when you are reasoning, you might entertain and engage several points of view like a. Anyway, we kind of, uh I dont know um robbed a bank last week. I have terrible vision. All the water was drained away, and the gates were chained up. well, its hard to describe, but Ill do my best. Thank you, Piglet. My favorite idea was fashion design. Bit damp for Owl though. With these arms, Ill scoop some of Venus clouds into a jar, screw the lid on, and bring the jar back to Earth. Today has been the absolute worst day of my entire life and its only 1 pm. 1. [Christopher Robin] Silly old bear, here, give me your paw. Since then I have been able to cheat my way through school like the best of them. Then he took me to his Underworld, which meant everything stopped growing on the top of the ground. You were my first friend you know? Bye. 7. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic, Hello (looks down at paper) George. (gasp) Dont even get me started on those things they call dogs. (turns back to groom). (Picks up prop glasses) My first pair was rectangular and brown. I mean look at me! Because I always get hit with the ball, even when Im standing, like, ten feet away. I hope my life will take a big twist, because at the pace its going, Im going to end up like the crazy old lady across the street with forty cats and zero husbands! Youre at a boring part? How can you be angry with her right now? And Our kind what is that supposed to mean?! 2) My cat has been looking for the squeaking mouse for the past two weeks. I'm not in the book, but I'm at your service. You dont have room on the wall? My one aunt is certain Im Vanilla, my uncle thinks Im chocolate. A chin-dimple I was insecure about when I was younger. The scene opens with the actor pantomiming playing a video game. The audition where all my dreams could finally become a reality. (Singing) But he is mine, he is mine. Narrator: In order to find out what really happened, we'll simply return to the spot where Eeyore was thinking by the side of the river, up at the top of page 245. He's Winnie the Pooh Genre: Dramatic, (Elio gets up angrily from his desk and speaks to the teacher. I think I was like four or five. Let me tell ya, big mistake. So, Im just saying maybe asking me how I feel isnt the best approach. And finally, girls need to get the hint that guys dont get their hints. I decided it would be better if he didnt know. Yes, mom I know, I was there and you werent. Thank you for always being there for me. See, my friend Tom and I were put in a group for a science project on fungus, and there was this extra credit assignment. ), Wow. And a woman with knowledge clearly, cant be trusted. Come onAnd I disconnected from the lesson. Hello? We were together. At first I just thought it was a sick senior prank or something, since it was pretty close to the end of the year, so I just disregarded all the commotion but then I heard Ms. Neilson shouting for everyone to get under the tables. But I dont let that stuff define me. Then, I guess it all came to a head on March 2nd. I hit the top of my forehead. What about a nice LONG walk? And she was meowing like she was hungry, so I just gave her a tiny bit of food. From there, its just me, the asphalt and the sky. I would go to my mom and ask what was wrong she would say it was Nothing sweetie, dont worry about it. But of course that wasnt true. Three, two, one, rrrrr aaa! (yelling) Jackson! How could you say that? I thought not. (Slaps forehead again and makes irritated noise) Jeanine! Really, Im not much of anything. Second Place Winner! I realized that my younger brother, Colin, is taller than me. Man, I knew this would happen, you think Im going insane arent you? For instance, the transition between lines six and seven as well as that between ten and eleven. Now what? Ive let everyone down. I had a note, but couldnt think of anyone to give it to. Here are the rules: Rule #1 You dont question, you just do it. By: Avalon C., Age 13, Missouri, USA Description: A teen reassures her younger sister that Middle School wont be as bad as she things. The sessions almost over? The other men took far longer. NASA says they are just cosmic rays-tiny particles launched by the explosions of distant stars-But I say they are UNICORNS! Soon enough, Alex confronted me in private tried to fight me. I totally ignored her. Owl, I don't think we will ever be able to fix it. Evidently, someone has been keeping honey in it. Im pretty nervous. Look, Im going to get in trouble. Weve finally met. Heres a picture of him turning in the coin: 7. Not even GoodLife can save him. All the other people in the band just look mad in their pictures, especially the skunk hair guy. Which most dogs are. I am the only one who passed? Its selfish really, I know, but I deserved one. Oh, you think your life is tough, doing your homework, going to school, cleaning your room. Its okay honey, we cant all be winners. I dont regret my choices. A turning ladder made up of tiny intricate colors. 4. Well guess what, I am tired of it and Ive had enough! Mr. Rupert sits at that table for his lunch break, and trust me, you dont want to sit there. As if we were the last people on Earth. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. The real killer is out there probably killing more people! Hahaha, Im such a mad man. Third Place Winner! I would like to have a word with whomever thought of this. The bottom line. Its just that everywhere, all around me, all I see is dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead! Ive got a date. The kids roughed him up, yanno, punches and kicks like little tykes do, and then poured syrup into the back of his sweater. He finds it more difficult than he expected but still takes pleasure when the rhymes do come together. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Hed come home from work late with an apology. But it also holds so dark ones. Did I get your tail on properly Eeyore? College is going alright so far, but I had a weird thing happen to me today. Sounds like a great guy. Get back here! This really cute guy is the stage manager and he asked me out this Friday night. Do forgive me, we dont get many visitors to the Briarville Library. As soon as I can get a job, Ill use the money from my paychecks to spoil them with all the coolest toys on the market. What would you do if you were trying to escape with your life? Im sorry Mrs. Trask. Mom and dad say Ill be happy when he is born, just like I was with my little sisters, but I highly doubt it. I dont even want to go back! He really wants to catch the mouse because the rehydrated foods all taste the same. No!!! I look around and try to figure out what on this good green Earth could possibly warrant such a horrible sound when the childs mother looks at me with the tired eyes of one who deals with a three-foot-tall chimpanzee all day. This alerts the obnoxious kid sitting behind you who loudly says, Oooh! There are numerous examples of this technique at play within Poem by Eeyore. Because when were at the movies, and its too loud, I cant leave because its loud for everyone. And I cant buy candy with my own money because its unfair even though everyone else is eating popcorn that you bought for them, but I cant stand the texture of popcorn. Boots approaching our door, and loud knocking. Oh I hope nobody answers. I remember my father looking in every nook and cranny of our straw roofed house for every single cent that he could spare to give me. By: Ian Shin, Age 16, Austin, TX, USA Description: A kid tells a friend about the time he thought his computer was possessed and speaking to him. (moves toward the door and offstage and starts screaming) Noooooo! If society keeps going on like this the teen world will be in shambles. It felt like time was slowing down. I cannot believe that there are even words coming out of my mouth, its almost as if my mind is full. But I needed glasses. Its minus two hundred and seventy degrees Celsius! By: Quinn Garcia, Age 13, California USA Description: A teenager recounts a dream they had to their older sibling. The end. And guess what? I want to breakup with you. I blacked out after that. The beginning of my life was tumultuous: an absent father rarely paying child support to a single, low-income mother who spent Christmas Eve in the hospital to welcome her very first daughter. Ive been thin all my life. I'm not in the book, but I'm at your service. Do you not catch the tiny clamour, Busy click of an elfin hammer, Voice of the Lepracaun singing shrill As he merrily plies his trade.. stream As she walked towards me her tears began to fade. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. Well, here you go. Ive been in there for days! Theyre also the reasons I walk against the flow of traffic, why I carry pepper spray in my pocket, and text my friends my location every time I go on a date. I can sit here, and I can meow for hours, knowing shes right inside. I'm glad we thought of it Pooh, Pooh? Yes, yes, yes, yes. How I can fix it before everyone around me notices how hard I am to be around. Okay, Plan B, cover story, come on think of a cover story. The brother to whom I gave the ticket to! I went to get a spoon, but before I knew it, the door slammed, and he was gone. Favorites much? [Narrator] Now one fine day the east wind traded places with the west wind, and that's turned things up a bit all through the Hundred Acre Wood. Now that you know how I got into my dream college, its time to tell you how I got kicked out. Oh well, no matter. Every time I think about leaving, my heart races 100 miles an hour, my palms get sweaty, I get dizzy, and I picture the accident that left me without an arm The one moment that changed my life forever. But how do I know for sure? (does calculation and is shocked) 700 calories. Well, the next day, my room was a complete mess and something smelled like it died in here. So, I left around 8:00 and got to work at 8:30 and my new assistant wasnt even there. Its fine, its fine. Medicine is not magic, I guess. Crocs. Okayonce upon a time, there were three sisters, just like yall. You know, that reminds me of the birthday of my great uncle Robert, a portrait of whom you see upon the wall on your right. It has been a long and treacherous, unforgiving path, especially with the invention of keto diets. endobj But quite honestly, every day is my birth-day now. I remember her fingernails gently scratching my head as she scrubbed shampoo into my hair. What? If he hadnt made me fall in love with him, I never would have been turned into this! Trust me, it did. It was a time of great excitement. I cant understand why she would spend all those hours on something so pointless. I dont have time for a social life. I want to feel free. It helps someone else and you. You know what? You could have one bad day and it could ruin everything. Will too his desk and speaks to the teacher I would go my! Could finally become a reality is a hero and my new husband, persuaded me his... 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