Staff interacted with the patients in a positive way and was respectful to them. Information on the trusts vision and values was available at the site and staff appraisals were linked to them. acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units and. Staff were not aware of how this might affect the safety and rights of the patients. Staff and senior leaders could not articulate the trusts direction of travel and how this was co-ordinated. We rated the trust overall for well-led as inadequate. Staff identified this was due to the management of change process and current work being undertaken by an outside organisation to identify more effective ways of working. One patient on Heather ward claimed that they had previously watched a staff member walking past a distressed patient and did not seek to reassure them or ask what was wrong. To find out more, review our cookie policy. There was poor medicines management in relation to checking expiry dates, storage and consent documentation. There is a vacancy for a Non-executive Director at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT). One family member told us their relative could be challenging but they felt they were well cared for. While staffing numbers were usually maintained, there was a high reliance on agency and bank staff to achieve this. The trust had begun the process of replacing some beds with more suitable options for the patient group. Staff felt supported by their immediate managers but felt disaffected with trust senior management. Staff treated people who used the service with respect, listened to them and were compassionate. On many wards, the trust had not supplied sufficient numbers of lounge and dining chairs to accommodate all patients and some wards did not have sufficient quiet rooms for care and treatment or for patients to receive visitors. Care records were up to date and holistic. At the Valentine Centre improvements had been made to the storage of cleaning materials. Staff were open about their poor understanding around the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Each year, we visit all NHS trusts and independent providers who care for people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act to monitor the care they provide and check that patients' rights are met. Two core services did not promote patient centred care in all aspects of care delivery. Staff followed infection and prevention control practices and the community inpatient wards were visibly clean. This monthly award is about recognising members of staff who have gone the extra mile. Managers ensure that they acted on these findings to reduce the risk of reoccurrence. Employees also rated Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 3.1 out of 5 for work life balance, 3.6 for culture and values and 3.7 for career opportunities. Some patients told us that staff were polite and respectful and willing to go the extra mile in supporting them. o We are passionate and creative in our work. Staff had the right qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience to do their job. The service did not exclude patients who would have benefitted from care. Staff supported patients to raise concerns when needed. We rated responsive and well led as requires improvement, and safe, effective and caring as good. Staff were up to date with mandatory training. Since the last inspection the service now had a Section 136 suite that met the standards set out in the Royal College Standards. Every team we spoke with knew who they reported to and what to report. In two services, staff were not always caring towards patients. Local leaders were visible and had the skills and knowledge to perform their roles. The patients did not consistently have their physical healthcare monitored or recorded, unless there were identified problems. The trust could not always provide a bed locally for patients who required admissions to its mental health wards. Creating high quality compassionate care and well-being for all | Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust - We provide mental health, learning disability and community health services for a population of more than a million people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Creating high quality, compassionate care and wellbeing for all. Care plans reviewed were not personalised, holistic or recovery orientated. Staff working within the CRHT team and the liaison mental health triage service had not clearly document in patient paperwork or case notes if the patient had capacity or not. 56% of individual care plans were not up to date, personalised or holistic. If we cannot do something, we will explain why. Computer systems were not shared across GP surgeries so information sharing did not happen effectively. Staff were kind, caring and respectful towards patients. The waiting times in community based mental health services for adults of working age were long and breached targets. Although this issue had been recognised by the trust, it had not been addressed quickly or effectively. We looked at how the adult liaison psychiatry service affected patient flow, admissions to hospital and discharges from the Leicester Royal Infirmary hospital as part of the system wide healthcare. Staff had not received any specialist training on crisis intervention. This became a formal group working partnership in April 2021. Concerns about high bed occupancy, record keeping and delayed discharges were identified in the March 2015 inspection and had not been sufficiently addressed. . There was a good level of occupational therapy input and good support to help maintain patients physical health. Staffing levels did not meet requirement in some community teams. Two patients we interviewed on Ashby and Heather wards told us that staff did not always knock on their bedroom doors before entering. The majority of community mental health teams did not meet the referral to initial assessment and assessment to treatment times. The service was meeting its target in this area. Please contact Sonja Whelan on 07525 723336 or email There were no recorded regular temperature checks of the medication cupboard. Many staff we spoke with knew who their chief executive was and mentioned them by name. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. Patients felt safe. We carry out joint inspections with Ofsted. Lessons were learned from feedback and complaints from patients. Target times had been set but the speed of response to referrals was not analysed and used to determine whether they were meeting targets. Staff were aligned to services to manage data and we have seen improvements in recording and monitoring of supervision and appraisal, improvement in managing risks of those on waiting lists in specialist community mental health services for children and young people and in training data. The trust did not provide data to demonstrate medical staff appraisal compliance. Staff monitored patients physical health regularly from the point of admission. We want to hear from you on how to improve our service and provide the best care possible. It promises that we will lead with compassion and inclusivity, with the health and wellbeing of our staff at the heart of all we do. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding We saw evidence of discharge planning in care plans written by CRHT staff. The trust also collected feedback from patients in a variety of ways, including surveys, iPads, community forum meetings and the Friends and Family Test. Our observations during inspection confirmed that staff knowledge and practical application of their knowledge was inconsistent despite training on their electronic learning systems. Staff followed infection control practices and maintained equipment through regular servicing. Let's make care better together. The trust had begun replacing hydraulic beds on the wards and had agreed plans for the replacement of further hydraulic beds across the site over a four-year period. Effective multi-disciplinary team working and joint working did not always take place across services. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). However, ligature points remained. The transition from the CAMHS LD service to adult teams was not always timely and, therefore, did not follow best practice. There was high dependence upon bank and agency staff to ensure safe staffing on the wards. We looked at the domains of safe, effective and responsive and we did not inspect all of the key lines of enquiry. We rated the trust as requires improvement overall: Whilst there had been some progress since the last inspection in 2015, the trust was not yet safe, fully effective or responsive. This environment was pleasant and well equipped. We are proud of our 5,400 staff and together we aim to . 22 June 2022, Published Staff did not ensure that mental capacity assessments and best interest decisions were consistently documented in care records. Some wards did not meet the Department of Health and Mental Health Act Code of Practice requirements in relation to the arrangements for mixed sex accommodation. Click here to submit your comments to us. There were waiting lists of up to 18 months for psychology and up to 40 weeks for other treatment within the personality disorder service. Trust staff working within the had remote access to electronic systems used by the trust. There had been an increase in the number of CAMHS referrals over the last two years. Whilst there had been some improvements, the process for reporting repairs and issues varied across the wards and a time lag existed for repairs being completed. We had concerns about the safety of some of the facilities where care was delivered. At the last inspection, we issued enforcement action because the trust did not have systems and processes across services to ensure thatthe risk to patients were assessed, monitored, mitigated and the quality of healthcare improved in relation to: The trust was required to make significant improvements in the following core services where we found concerns in the areas listed above: Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units, Wards for people with a learning disability or autism, Long stay or rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults. Staff did not always feel actively engaged or empowered. Derby, The trust confirmed the service line was contracted to provide bed occupancy at 93%. The cold chain processes to ensure optimal conditions during the transport, storage, and handling of vaccines was outstanding. The environment in the crisis service did not ensure confidentiality as rooms were not sound proofed and conversations could be heard outside the room. Managers identified the breach in these targets and had plans in place to reduce them and had highlighted this risk on the risk register. To ensure that safer staffing levels were met they used regular bank or agency staff to achieve the required amount number of staff for the wards to meet the needs of the patients. Our Mental Health Act Commissioners may carry out a number of visits to each provider over a 12-month period, during which they talk to detained patients, staff and managers about how services are provided. Patients were able to access hot and cold drinks any time during the day. We saw the trust had developed oversight and a vision on how to improve the nine key areas identified by the warning notice. We do not put off making difficult decisions if they are the right decisions, We set common goals and we take responsibility for our part in achieving them, We give clear feedback and make sure that we communicate with one another effectively, We encourage and value other peoples ideas, We recognise peoples achievements and celebrate success. Seclusion environments were not an issue of concern at this inspection. Bed occupancy rates were above 85% for community health inpatient wards. Staff showed us that they wanted to provide high quality care, despite the challenges of staffing levels and some poor ward environments. For example, for adepot injection,a slow-release slow-acting form of medication. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect Overall: Requires improvement Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider All Inspections 12 April 2022 The trust had well-developed audits in place to monitor the quality of the service. The Trust should ensure that the transition is in line with best practice in future. We spoke with five patients on long stay or rehabilitation wards; they told us they felt very well supported, and staff and were kind, caring, and respectful. Managers ensured they monitored the reporting and recording of incidents and complaints. Some teams had limited access to a psychologist with one psychologist covering three teams which meant people with severe and enduring mental health problems were not always offered psychological intervention. There were inconsistent practice around conducting searches onpatients. Staff allowed patients time to respond to questions and did not try to hurry them. Managers did not successfully cascade information down to all ward staff in acute mental health services. Published There some gaps in staff receiving regular supervision. The trust did not have seclusion rooms on all wards. Patients using the CRHT team had limited access to psychological therapies and there were no psychologists working within the CRHT team. Care records for patients using the CRHT teams were not holistic or personalised. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. The child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) community teams caseloads were above the nationally recommended amount, although young people had a care co-ordinator. Lessons learnt were shared across the organisation via emails and the intranet. It was clear to see the difference the investment and improvements had made since our last visit. The trust had identified the lack of psychological therapies for patients, and support and training for staff, on their risk register. Two things remain consistent across the breadth of services we offer and . This has been brought. The trust had systems for staff to raise any concerns confidentially. Some seclusion rooms had environmental concerns at Belvoir and Griffinunits, and Watermead wards. This left patients without access to treatment when they needed it most. A full audit was scheduled for the end of June 2019. New systems were in place for staff to report any repairs or maintenance issues. This was highlighted in the previous inspection. The clinic rooms across sites had all the equipment calibrated. The trust learnt from incidents and implemented systems to prevent them recurring. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 2.5K subscribers We have strengthened our vision and strategy, to make our direction of travel as clear as possible for everyone. The trust had robust governance structures and they had assured any potential gaps or overlaps had been considered. This had been raised as a concern in the March 2015 inspection and had not been sufficiently addressed. The successful candidate will demonstrate they possess the same core values as our organisation, Compassion, Respect, Trust and Integrity in all aspects of their work. Staff were provided with relevant information to care for patients safely. Examples were given regarding learning from these. There was a blind spot in the seclusion room on Acacia ward at the Willows which meant staff could not easily observe patients. The high demand for services, high levels of staff sickness and staff vacancy rates had not been managed effectively. In rating the trust, we took into account the previous ratings of the ten core services not inspected this time. There was a range of large therapeutic areas and rooms for art therapy plus other interventions. The quality of some of the data was poor. Nurses and managers from LPT who were supported . The bed in the seclusion room on Phoenix was too high and a patient had used it to climb up to windows and to block the viewing pane. This meant that patients were not protected from receiving unsafe treatment. Staff were included in service developments and involved in listening into action projects for service improvement. Infection prevention and control (IPC) was well managed and monitored and services were responsive to deal with frequent changes in IPC requirements during the pandemic. Nottingham, Staff knew the vision and values of the trust and agreed with these. Across the teams, we found up to date ligature audits in place. In most services, we were concerned with the lack of evidence in care plans which showed patients and carers had been consulted and involved in their care. Staffing levels were below the expected level. Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) visited five services run by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) in November and December last year. Website information was not clear for people who used the service; the trust has allowed this information to become outdated. We had a number of concerns about the safety of this trust. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Location Leicester Salary 33,706 to 40,588 a year Closing date 22 Jan 2023. View more Profession Occupational Therapist Service Learning Disability Grade Band 6 Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time. Patients had their own copies of care plans and were involved in their care plan reviews. It is about making a real and sustainable difference for our patients and supporting our staff to deliver safe, high quality care every day. Another relative said their relative was a changed person since going to the Willows and they were able to go home last Christmas. There was effective multidisciplinary working. We found three out of 19 care plans had not been reviewed and updated regularly. Team managers could not be assured of local performance around record keeping, care planning and patient involvement. We saw staff treating people with dignity and respect whilst providing care. The trust had no end of life strategy as the previous one had expired and no replacement had been developed. Staff received regular managerial and group supervision. We rated long stay/rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults as requires improvement because: The environment in some areas was very poor, particularly at Stewart House. 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